When you have braces you must take special care of your teeth and your braces.
Cleaning: Clean your teeth and gums very carefully each morning and night. Braces provide extra places for plaque and food to accumulate. This means there is more chance of tooth decay and permanent marks on the teeth.
Sugary Foods: As much as possible avoid foods with lots of sugar. Avoid foods such as sweets, biscuits, cakes, and soft drink. Occasional sweet foods are usually not a problem and sugar free drinks and confectionary (eg Diet Coke) are safe for teeth.
Hard Foods: Eat hard foods very carefully. Biting or chewing hard or sticky foods such as peppermints, Minties, carrots and apples can break your braces. Breakages make treatment last much longer.
Follow Instructions: Follow all instructions. Not wearing rubber bands or a plate exactly as asked can cause serious problems and make treatment last much longer.
Report Problems: Report any problems promptly. If something becomes loose, broken, painful or you are concerned there may be a problem, please contact the dentist promptly.
Keep your teeth clean AND eat sugary foods only occasionally OR your teeth will rot.